The best way to learn astrology is through practice, beginning with yourself. From there, you can gradually expand your understanding to include your relationships and life events. My approach is straightforward: we'll start by exploring who you are now, developing your understanding of astrological language and symbol. Astronomy provides the framework of time, number, cycle, line, and degree. Astrology then gives us the meaning, purpose, and insight into the deepest layers of our inner and outer worlds.
Astrology Readings: Choose one or more of the following to get started:
Natal Chart & Progressions: Understand your life's journey. Where did you start, where are you now and where are you headed? Discover how to tap into your inner and outer potentials.
Lunation Cycles: Each of us is like a plant. We go through seed, sprout, leaf, flower and fruit phases of life and then the cycle begins again. Explore the cycles of your inner personal and emotional terrain.
Transits & Graphical Ephemeris: Get a wonderfully visual and intuitive astrological weather forecast. Learn about current planetary influences, potential challenges, and how to correspond with them effectively.
Medical Astrology: Address physical or emotional imbalances. Discover potential causes, timelines. Personalized alchemically formulated remedies using herbs, foods, and minerals offered.
Fixed Stars and Lunar Mansions: Another fascinating method of looking at the fixed stars and constellations, which parts of the sky they occupy and working the myths surrounding them in relationship to your natal chart.
Venus Star Points: Venus is the third brightest planet in the sky, second closest planet to the Earth and it has 584 day synodic cycle that creates a perfect 5 pointed star in the sky that acts like a cosmic clock. It’s influence on our life affairs is considerable. Here we will look at which point of the star is highlighted in your natal chart and its symbolic meaning.
Yijing (I Ching) Divination: Have you ever wished upon a star? Receive guidance from the I Ching for clear, insightful answers to any of your life questions. Even ones that you have not yet considered!
Payment: $60 per 60 minutes via paper check, Venmo or Zelle.