Daoist Yangsheng Talk - Li Shifu on Longevity: Three Dimensions of Health

Li Shifu, the Abbot of Five Immortals temple on White Horse Mountain, Wudang. Li Shifu outlines many of the concepts needed to ensure longevity from a Daoist perspective.

1. The Human Dimension (First Density): The Physical and Emotional Self

  • The Body as a Precise Machine: Our physical body, a carbon-based entity, is the foundation of our existence in the three-dimensional world. Protecting and maintaining it is crucial for longevity.

  • Internal Factors: Emotions and Desires:

    • Uncontrolled emotions and desires negatively impact physical health.

    • Dietary factors, the quality of water, and food choices (GMO vs. natural) affect nutrition and health.

    • Uncontrolled desires and compulsions or impulsive behaviors can compromise well-being.

    • Our internal consciousness influences both the physical and subtle (light) body.

    • Self-controlled, centered and harmonious behavior is essential for maintaining health.

  • External Factors: Relationships and Environment:

    • Working, family, and interpersonal relationships impact mental and emotional health.

    • The work environment and type of work should align with one's energy field.

    • External energy fields influence personal energy fields.

    • Essentially, your relationships and work environment greatly impact your health.

2. The Earth Dimension (Second Density): Feng Shui and Environment

  • Feng Shui: The Magnetic Field: Feng shui examines the gravitational and magnetic field surrounding us, both internally and externally.

  • Internal Factors: The Home:

    • The location and orientation of the house (city vs. countryside, hills vs. valleys) affect energy.

    • The noise and density of urban environments impact the body.

    • The stability and characteristics of the home (decoration, materials, objects, size, age of home, light, sound, open windows and breezes, temperature) influence health.

    • Electronic devices and pets generate energy fields that can affect us.

    • Type of building materials, wood, metal, concrete, affect energy.

    • Living in high-rise buildings can disconnect us from the Earth's energy.

    • The history of a dwelling (ex: previous occupants, potential violence, or location over ancient burial sites) can influence the current inhabitants.

  • External Factors: Natural and Man-Made Influences:

    • Natural elements like light, wind, water, mountains, and forests affect health.

    • Urban environments (ex: crowds, noise, dense populations) can have negative impacts.

    • Proximity to hospitals, graveyards, factories, battlefields, high-voltage cables, and noise sources influences health.

    • Nearby religious institutions (Buddhist, Taoist, Catholic temples) or government agencies (ex: hospitals, fire and police stations) can also have an effect.

3. The Heavenly Dimension (Third Density): Natural Laws and Destiny

  • Harmony with Nature: Aligning with natural cycles (the four seasons) is essential for longevity.

    • Spring: Activate and cultivate rising Yang Qi.  Winter: Conserve energy like hibernating animals.  So each season has its energy pattern to be aware of and align with.

    • Being aware of and adapting to each season is crucial.

    • Heaven considers the environment off the surface of the Earth and physical body and would thus include sky, seasons, weather patterns and movement of planetary bodies of light and matter.

  • Uncontrollable Factors:

    • Genetic predispositions, karma, and the purpose of one's existence.

    • Ethical conduct and spiritual cultivation.

    • The energy field at birth, your nativity and first breath.  The influence of external and universal energy fields of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars at this time will have great effect on health.

  • Daoist Approach to Health:

    • Accurate diagnosis and understanding all factors is crucial for effective treatment.

    • Emotional issues can be addressed through natural therapies (music, massage) rather than solely relying on medication.

    • Daoist medicine emphasizes personalized treatment, recognizing that each individual has a unique energy field and situation.

    • Diagnosis involves observing, listening, smelling, touching the pulse, and considering a variety of diagnostic elements to determine the specific cause.

    • Daoist medicine utilizes a variety of methods, including acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal remedies, massage, talismans, and body movements/yoga/qigong.

    • Daoist medicine has limitations, but strives to treat the root cause of disease from multiple angles.  Not all illnesses can be treated.  There is a notion of disease and karma. Or fate. That sometimes we need to learn from the disease. We have come to this life to learn.

    • The Dao is the source of the universe, and is expressed through Yin and Yang, and also the three densities Heaven, Earth and Humanity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Longevity is achieved through a holistic approach that addresses the physical, environmental, and spiritual aspects of life.

  • Understanding and harmonizing with the three dimensions is essential for optimal health and well-being.

  • Personalized medicine is key to effective treatment.



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