Qigong Studio- Spring 2024 Practice
Reconstruction of a 'Guiding and Pulling Chart' excavated from the Mawangdui Tomb (sealed in 168 BCE) Source: The Wellcome Collection, London. https://wellcomecollection.org/
Hi there,
A lot has transpired since I last wrote as I have been quietly hibernating all Winter long preparing for a Wood Dragon by sipping tea and practicing an ancient Eight Brocade Qigong form. I will begin teaching this form online on Feb 26th so read on if curious.
Older than your great, great, great, great grandmother- There are many versions of the 8 Brocades and you may have learned one or two of them. Like the other qigong forms and lineages the 8 Brocades have an Indian yoga heritage which over the millenia migrates over the Himalayas into Shamanic and Daoist China. Writings and paintings of the 8 Brocades can be found in the Shang Dynasty, the oldest Chinese dynasty whose existence is supported by archaeological finds from 1800 BCE. The "Daoyin tu" below and reconstructed above is a chart for leading and guiding people in exercise for improving health and treatment of pain.
Less is more- If we think back to that age one could imagine that there was not a lot of free time. The day started by building a fire and slowly heating water and it goes on from there at the pace of walking. The nice thing about this 8 Brocade form that I’ll be sharing is that it only takes 20 to 30 minutes of your day! An opening process, 8 simple movements and a closing. Simple as that. And you can do it sitting or standing or even lying down on your back. Though I will teach the standing form. It’s simplicity is actually a sophisticated refinement and the practice is quite powerful.
Sacred Space- A special aspect of our practice is that we learn how to "hold space." The practice of qigong requires a safe container that allows us to relax, open and clear the body and mind and thus regain a sense of harmony and vitality. This container is our body and secondly it is the group that gathers together to practice. We are not separate beings but connected to the Earth and the Heavens and thus to each other via the heart. In addition to adding discipline and regularity to our schedules a group practice increases the potential energy and benefit of the practice as if connecting a series of batteries to achieve a higher voltage. If you know of someone new to this process that you feel this may benefit please contact me directly so I can talk with them beforehand.
49 Days- In our modern culture we tend to want everything immediately. If I want an object I order it online within minutes of the thought and it arrives at my door the next morning. So we have been spoiled in a way. However, the body keeps the score and the body moves through layers of tissue and organ and very slow cellular growth. All of this takes time. Traditionally any new qigong practice takes 49 days, (7 days per week times 7 weeks) to fully hardwire our bodies and create new energy pathways. Please feel free to drop in from time to time but to really receive the depth of this practice see if you can commit to the 49 day process. I guarantee the experience will be most rewarding.
Evening Practice Option - Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00 to 8:30 PM PST
Morning Practice Option - Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 to 8:30 AM PST
Practice via Zoom - class link on my website front page here: Class Link
Suggested donation- $10.00 per class or $15.00 per week. If you're under a tighter budget just determine what works best.
This series starts Monday Feb 26th, 2024 and will continue for 7 weeks until Thursday April 11th.
Photo by Tomek Kalamaya, Hendricks Park morning light, Eugene Oregon