Astrology: Still Life Under Gemini Moon
11.27.2023 11:00 PM Eugene, Oregon. Full moon in Gemini. iPhone photograph
This photo was taken in the liminality of the night when a Full Moon entered Gemini and mysteriously beamed through a skylight window casting light on the silent kitchen counter. Physically the Moon and the constellation Gemini exist in the sky. They also exist in an animated numinous way as SYMBOLS that enter our minds, hearts and bodies. The Sun, Moon, planets and stars all hold great physical and symbolic meaning for any creature that lives on Earth, especially humans beings because as a species we have developed the unique cognitive ability of language and imagination. I would imagine that all living creatures possess imagination in their own way and that science, the men and women in white lab coats, will prove this out in the future but for now let’s stick with humanity and our inherent imaginal capability. Symbols are the language of the imaginal. Symbols are dynamically alive; they are not static signs, images or words on a piece of paper. They live and influence us as a correspondence or communication. I feel to be fully human is to cultivate an ever de relationship with the imaginal during our lifetime.
Here is a simple astrological technique to awaken imagination and a sense of the divine in our lives. 1.) First ask what is the astrological significance or meaning of the Moon and then Gemini. 2.) Amalgamate the meanings into a unified whole of “Moon in Gemini.” Be poetic, there are no wrong answers! 3.) Reflect and wonder about it; slowly a “felt sense” of what this might be saying will naturally arise. Does it hold an answer to a question that we might be carrying at the moment? Maybe take it a step further and ask the Moon a question as if going to an oracle and listen for the answer which may become apparent instantly or later in dreams. It is a form of divine intelligence that may reveal itself unannounced over the next days or weeks. What’s comforting about all of this is that the Cosmos never lies! Here are some starting interpretations of Moon and Gemini that will help us get started….
Source: Faculty of Astrological Studies Foundation Level Module 1
Source: Faculty of Astrological Studies Foundation Level Module 1