Confucian Theory on the Stages of Human Life

  • At age 15- Learn everything there is to learn about life. Study!

  • Age 30- Be rooted in the direction of your life, why you are here and what you are doing in this lifetime. Your view of the world and humanity should be fully established at this time.

  • Age 40- Confirm your sense of the world; lose your sense of confusion and cultivate great clarity.  You understand the way of the world and are clear.

  • Age 50- Know your destiny.  Your internal root and its relation to the world outside and how this works. The inter-relationship of yin and yang, of microcosm to macrocosm.  Knowing your destiny means knowing your root.  The spiritual inner nature of the human being.  We return to our spiritual root.

  • Age 60- “The ears are in the flow and don’t resist!”  What does this mean?  Emotional disturbances caused by language and what other people say do not stir us.  Anger, blame and even praise typically come from what other people say (or maybe an inner voice.) So we no longer react or push back.  There is nothing that moves our internal world, our heart, more than language in our normal everyday life.  My ears have surrendered and are in the flow.  Not reacting to emotional triggers, not being moved.  Not concerned by what other people say about you.

  • Age 70 and more so as you age- Follow what your heart desires but don’t violate the rules and rituals (natural balance) of heaven and earth.  Everything brings joy to your heart but you are not selfish.  Live totally at ease, like the freedom of a little child.

Translated from Heiner Fruehauf and Liu Lihong- Daoyin- Theory and Practice.  Puzhao Temple Qingchan Mountain Sichuan China, Sept 2017.


Autumn Wind Changes Direction


Big Dipper Star Walking…. more on this later