A Warm Winter Energy Tonic

When Winter arrives it’s nice to bring out your woolens and seek ways to warm the body. Winter in an ancient solar lunar calendar includes the three months of November, December and January with the Winter Solstice being the mid-point. Here is a wonderful energy tonic that you can brew up at home. I like using a crock pot or slow cooker set on the soup mode. This will give a nice 2 hour cook and then keeps the decoction warm for hours.

Step One- gather your herbs

  • 15g Ginseng Root

  • 25g Cinnamon Bark

  • 25g Astragalus Root

  • 50g Jujube Date

  • 5g Tangerine Peel

  • 10g Ginger Root (dried)

  • 20g Licorice Root

Vita Clay Slow Cooker- I like this model because the cooking vessel is made of clay.

Step 2- place all of the botanicals in your crock pot and add 1.5 liters water. Set the unit to soup mode which is generally about a 2hr cook. Then allow the mixture to remain in the cooker for another 6hrs on its low heat warm mode. Strain this first steeping and then add another 1.5 liters of water to the wet herb mixture and repeat the cook sequence again. Strain and combine the two mixtures. These should be stored in the refrigerator and will last about 2 weeks.

Step 3- This decoction can be enjoyed by itself. 4 to 6 oz is plenty and it will warm and relax the body. However, for the complete experience and benefit take 3 oz of the tonic and 1 oz whiskey, brandy or some alcohol (one could even use red or white wine). Place in a glass and slowly warm to about 140F. Sip slowly and enjoy the benefits- bodily warmth, an opening of circulation particularly to the periphery of fingertips and toes, it brings a sense of comfort and joy and “lightens the spirit.” This is an energy Yang or sunlight tonic that preserves youth and builds your immune resilience to make it through the damp cold nights of Winter. Lower back pains, knee and joint pains will slowly melt away. Enjoyed with others it will open up spirited conversation.


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