The Sound of Stars

Why am I not afraid of death? Because my heart is connected to the heartbeat of the stars!

This is a fascinating presentation on the sounds of stars. We can now hear the stars with actual data from the Keppler and other space observatories. Sound emanates from stars since they pulse inside at their core due to different densities and chemical/metal compositions within. These recordings sound like the human heart beat. To hear a star sends chills up your spine and opens the heart. Dan's presentation starts at 20 minutes in. To hear the star’s heartbeats forward to 28 minute mark. What this tells me (slap in the face) is that the Cosmos is alive in frequencies of light and sound. This is then what we come to know in astrological language as "Heavenly Flow" or the heavenly influences that infinitely abound. We are not alone, we are not separate. We are alive and about 14.8 billion years old.

Astronomy Talk - Dan Huber

Astronomy Talk - Although we cannot hear it with our own ears, the Sun and other stars in the sky have been performing a concert for billions of years. Similar to a boiling pot of water, gas cells on the surface of stars that are the size of the Earth rise up, cool and sink down, causing turbulence that ring stars like a bell. The frequencies of such sound waves are directly related to basic stellar properties such as size and structure, in a similar way as music instruments with different sizes have a different natural pitch. In this talk, Dr. Huber will give an overview of the latest discoveries in asteroseismology - the study of stellar oscillations - including how we use stellar sound waves to learn about the interior of stars, stellar populations in our galaxy, and the planets that orbit them.


A Warm Winter Energy Tonic


Meridian Tapping Qigong